Clary Sage and Lavendar Organic Essential Oil Kit


Lavendar 10ml
Fresh, floral, light sweet aroma.

Suggested uses:
Lavender is the most widely used essential oil in aromatherapy, particularly for its relaxing properties. Try placing two drops on a handkerchief by your pillow when you are trying to sleep.

Specific Safety Advice:
Do not use Lavender at all during early pregnancy and only specialist advice thereafter.

Clary Sage 10ml
The pungent, herbaceous aroma of Clary Sage has a strongly uplifting yet soothing effect on the mind.

Specific Safety Advice:
It is important to remember that whilst essential oils are being used, it is wise not to drink alcohol. This is particularly applicable when using Clary Sage.
Do not use Clary Sage during pregnancy โ€“ it is however an extremely useful oil during childbirth. Use in moderation at all times.

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