In response to the success of the award winning Natal Hypnotherapy™ Cds and courses, founder Maggie Howell has published a complete guide to birth preparation. This informative, down to earth and inspiring guide takes the reader step by step through mental, emotional and physical preparation for birth.
What makes this book different?
- The focus is not just on 'what to do' but importantly 'how to do it'.
- Learn easy to use relaxation, visualisation, self hypnosis and breathing techniques.
- It provides an in depth understanding of how the mind works and how you can use your mind to help the birth and not hinder it.
- You can personalise your preparation by completing the work book sections of the book.
- Each page increases your confidence and belief in your ability to give birth.
- It is full of inspiring and heart warming birth stories by mums who have used the tools and techniques.
To read more about Natal Hypnotherapy , click here for our Natal Hypnotherapy Guide.